Citizenship Test Changes
While the Trump Administration did not specify what it will change about the civics test, it did state that the new test would come out this
"Crisis Level" USCIS Processing Times Under the Trump Administration
The American Immigration Lawyer Association (AILA) has determined that USCIS is processing cases 91% slower than it did in fiscal year...
NEWSFLASH trump HAS BUILT THE wall: PART II: Prevent Undocumented Immigrants Married to U.S. Citizen
In addition to preventing successful claims to asylum, there is evidence that U.S. government agencies are coordinating with each other to i
Attention F, M, and J nonimmigrants! USCIS has made it easier for you to be found unlawfully presen
It is important that F, J, and M nonimmigrants pay close attention to this new policy as violating it and becoming unlawfully present for a
Premium Processing for FY2019 Cap-Subject H-1B Visa Applications Unavailable Until Further Notice
While USCIS will begin accepting FY 2019 cap-subject H-1B visa applications starting April 2nd, it does not anticipate accepting requests...